Wednesday, June 27, 2007

CAPITAL PUNISHMENT: Should she be driving?

In accordance with AP's personality, the inagural post will be a critique of someone else. In this case, the introduction of what will be a permanent section examining the wit and insight of writers of letters to the editor of The Capital. Oh Sandi McCall in Edgewater. If you are the same Sandi McCall in Edgewater that I know, that I worked with for 5 years, at whose house I have eaten watermelon--good to hear from you! Congratulations on getting your letter published in the Capital...let's talk about it:

I leave my home for work at 5:15 a.m Monday-Thursday. I travel Route 214 in the Edgewater and Mayo area 5 to 10 miles over the speed limit.

Public Service Announcement to AP Readers: Do not publicly admit to any laws you are or may be breaking. As my high school civics teacher used to say, "it's the limit".

Would the other drivers please stop riding my bumper? It only makes me slow down. If they need more time, they should leave earlier.

Earlier than 5:15 a.m.? Does such a time exist? Does the sun know about this?

Would those out for morning strolls please leave their cars at home? They cause unbelievable road rage. Could they at least drive the Speed Limit?

Um, ok, so fast and slow drivers piss you off, but you yourself drive 5-10 miles over the limit? Also, stroll = leisurely walk--the cars are already at home. Confusing. Anyway, here is the breakdown on non-speed limit driving. Those who drive too fast, get tickets; those who drive too slow, drive Buicks. Pick your poison. Alas, we Annapolitans cannot relate to your Route 214 dilemma--we are too busy running red lights and crawling at a snail's pace on Forest Drive.

Do you have any more watermelon?