Monday, January 28, 2008

Mayor Moyer On The Ballot Again

Mayor Moyer is running for election in 2 weeks.....for delegate to the Democrat National Convention:

We all know how important it is to participate in the
primary on February 12th, no matter who we support. The race is too close;
the stakes too high to sit on the sideline.

Maryland should play a significant role in the selection of our party's standard bearer, and we have the opportunity to have an Annapolis presence in that process.

Annapolis Mayor Ellen Moyer is on the ballot as a delegate to the
Democratic National Convention. So please, no matter who you
support on the national level, if you are a Democrat, select Ellen
Moyer as a delegate and send her to the convention in August.

February 12 happens to be Ellen's birthday (which she shares with
Abe Lincoln, who isn't running at this time). I know she would love
to celebrate her special day as part of this historic national

Please help me spread the word, friend to friend, by sharing this with
other Democratic friends. Do us a favor, and forward this message to your
personal contacts. Thank you!

To me, nominating conventions are baffling. As I understand, the delegates who want to go to the convention have to say who they plan to vote for at the convention; that way, the candidates who won the primaries know they will be represented proportionally in the nominating process.

I think this process even varies by party. For the Democrats, it's my understanding that half of the convention votes are determined by party leadership, rather than by the results of the primary! WTF???

Anyway, I can't explain this line: "no matter who you support on the national level, if you are a Democrat, select Ellen Moyer as a delegate and send her to the convention in August". Like I said, I hardly understand the convention process, but I have to believe that it does matter who you support on the national level. Is the mayor asking that the voters simply reward her and send her on a vacation. And do sitting elected officials normally do this?

I guess it doesn't matter anyway....Mike Huckabee all the way to the White House!

(Just Kidding)


Anonymous said...

I have a couple of questions about this:

1) Has the Mayor purchased her carbon credits for this important trip?
2) Will she declare Denver a sister city while she's there?
3) Will her blog provide us with important tourist information about Denver?
4) How many people do we think will be murdered in Annapolis while she's taking care of this important task.
5) In an effort to reduce the carbon footprint of this trip, I suggest she purchase a one-way ticket.

Bob McWilliams

Anonymous said...

Mayor Moyer needs to stop focusing on herself and her own political gain and start focusing more on the City of Annapolis where she is supposedly the Mayor.

This latest revelation is an absolute disgrace and shows how little she cares about our rising crime rate, the lawsuits we are involved in, the future of the Market House and the overall state of our City, however, in her defense, she is consistent; Ellen always puts herself first and could care less about anyone or anything else.
What a sad statement about the highest elected official in the City of Annapolis.

Anonymous said...


Where did you get this "Dear Friends" thing for Ellen Moyer?

The thing about her birthday with Lincoln is so absurd that it shows these folk are completely on another planet.

Where'd this message come from?

Bob McWilliams

Brian Gill said...

Bob, the email was sent out by one of the mayor's supporters.

Anonymous said...


By the way, is this supporter of the Mayor employed by the City (the taxpayer), and how much is she paid?

Bob McWilliams

Anonymous said...


By the way, is this supporter of the Mayor employed by the City (the taxpayer), and how much is she paid?

Bob McWilliams

Brian Gill said...

I have no idea. It wouldn't be the first time.

Anonymous said...

The sender is listed as a "consultant to the Mayor" in several locations. She has also been the Mayor's campaign manager. However, presumably she isn't working for the City 24/7.

Anonymous said...

sounds like this person's job is as interesting as Paul Foer's.

Anonymous said...

Paul Foer works? I thought he got fired from the city.

Anonymous said...

Paul Foer works? I thought he got fired from the city.