Monday, August 13, 2007


VERY interesting things going on in email and media statements regarding the possible resignation of Mike Collins. I advise you to check Maryland Politics for the most comprehensive coverage--simply because they have 6 contributors (including myself) and can provide a wider array of timely information.

As of early this morning (Crossposted):

This past week, there have been several mass email blasts concerning StateGOP issues and my leadership on the Anne Arundel County Republican CentralCommittee. Unfortunately, some of these emails contain inaccurateinformation. For the record, I am not stepping down early as chairman.

I learned long ago that nobody wins in an email tit-for-tat, but everybodyloses. We all deserve better. I encourage anyone with any issuesconcerning me to contact me directly.

I believe we are stronger as a party when we are informed. I encourageanyone with any issues concerning the Central Committee, the State GOPfinances, or the status of the State GOP by-law amendments (i.e., theproposed change that would allow the State GOP to pick sides in RepublicanPrimaries), to attend the next Central Committee on Wednesday, September 5,at 7:00 pm. for a civil discussion.

Best regards, Mike Collins